A Triumph of Surgery Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 1
Author - James Herriot
Theme - Over Pamparing
Bloated- a build of gas in stomach & intestine;
Sausage- meat.
Rheumy- discharge of nose or eyes,
Lumbago- muscular pain in the lower part of the back;
Hastened- quickly to do something:
Relent- to agree upon something after refusing:
Pine- to become very sad Lithe flexible:
Scrimmages- confused struggle or fight
Slopped- dress in an untidy manner;
Whimper-low sound (expression of fear. pain).
Sniffing- draw up the air audibly through nose to detect a smell;
Engulfed- powerfully affected overwhelmed,
Gasping- a quick deep breath;
Bouts- a short period of a particular activity.
Tottering- to walk in a weak unsteady steps,
Distraught- extremely upset,
Regime- ordered way of doing things.
Supper- dinner (light food);
Despairing-feeling of loosing all hope:
Shaggy-having long and untidy hair.
Convalescing- medical treatment;
Triumph- a great success;
Jostlingpush- roughly in crowd.
Read and Find Out (Pages 1 )
Question 1.
Why is Mrs. Pumphrey worried about Tricki ? (V. Imp.)
Mrs. Pumphrey is worried and shocked about Tricki. It has become hugely fat. It looks like a bloated sausage. Its eyes are blood red and rheumy. Its tongue lolls down its jaws.
Question 2.
What does she do to help him ? Is she wise in this ?
She at once calls Mr. Herriot for Tricki. Mr. Herriot is a veterinary doctor. She is wise in this. No one can know about animals except the veterinary doctor.
Question 3.
Who does “I” refer to in this story ?
“I” in this story, refers to James Herriot, the veterinary surgeon.
Read and Find Out (Pages 3 )
Question 1.
Is the narrator as rich as Tricki’s mistress ?
No, the narrator is not as rich as Tricki’s mistress.
Question 2.
How does he treat the dog ?
He takes the dog Tricki to his surgery. There he does not give much food to it. He instead cuts its food. He keeps it on a strict diet. He keeps it under observation. At the end of the second day Tricki changes. It starts showing some interest in the surroundings. On the third day it whimpers.
Question 3.
Why is he tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest ?
It was a temptation to keep Tricki as a permanent guest. It was because Mrs Pumphrey started sending fresh eggs, two dozen at a time. The staff of Mr Herriot ate these eggs. There came bottles of wine etc. It was really a great thing for them. Mr. Herriot does not give these to Tricki.
Question 4.
Why does Mrs. Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery is “a triumph of surgery” ?
She thinks so because it is the surgery, that is, hospital. It has made Tricki all right. Its stay at the surgery has cured it of its illness.
Think About It (Page 6)
Question 1.
What kind of a person do you think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon, is ? Would you say he is tactful as well as full of common sense ?
I think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon is a very practical man. He is also tactful and has a lot of common sense. He is kind-hearted and jovial kind of fellow. He, at once, understands Tricki’s illness. He wants to keep Tricki for a longer period. It may be his selfishness because he gets Jiuge supplies from Mrs. Pumphrey for Tricki. But it is not a mean quality.
Question 2.
Do you think Tricki was happy to go home ? What do you think will happen now ?
Yes, Tricki was happy to go home. It is seen in one fact. When Mrs. Pumphrey comes to the surgery to take Tricki home, it jumps into her lap. It swarms over her. It also licks her face out of great excitement.
I think that Mrs. Pumphrey will again give Tricki a lot of food. It would grow sick again due to overeating and no exercise.
Question 3.
Do you think this is a real-life episode, or mere fiction ? Or is it a mixture of both ?
I think it is a real-life episode with some part of fiction. But it is not mere and whole fiction. In fact it is a mixture of both.
Do you think this is a real-life episode, or mere fiction ? Or is it a mixture of both ?
I think it is a real-life episode with some part of fiction. But it is not mere and whole fiction. In fact it is a mixture of both.