4. What is the role of health in human capital formation?
Ans: In the development of human capital, health is crucial. A healthy person has a better chance of reaching his full potential and being a valuable asset to the economy. A sick person is less likely to reach his full potential and can become a financial liability.
5. What part does health play in the individual’s working life?
Ans: An individual's health allows him to realise his full potential and also gives him the ability to fight illness. An unhealthy employee is a liability to his employer. A person's health is directly related to his productivity. When compared to an unhealthy person, a healthy person can work more efficiently and productively. A healthy person outperforms an unhealthy person in terms of productivity.
6. What are the various activities undertaken in the primary sector, secondary sector and tertiary sector?
Ans: Economic activities are classified into three types:
Primary Sector: The primary sector includes activities involving the extraction and production of natural resources. This sector's activities include agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishing, poultry farming, mining, and quarrying.
Secondary Sector: Manufacturing is referred to as a secondary activity. Natural resources are properly modified in the secondary activity. Light manufacturing, food processing, oil refining, and energy production are examples of the secondary sectors.
Tertiary Sector: Tertiary activities are economic activities that support both primary and secondary activities. Trade, transport, communication, banking, education, tourism, insurance, etc., are examples of tertiary activities.
7. What is the difference between economic activities and non-economic activities?
Ans: Economic activities are defined as activities that add value to the national income.
These are divided into two categories:
Market activities: production for pay or profit.
Non-market activities: production for self consumption.
Non-economic activities are those that do not contribute to national income, such as a person doing household chores.
8. Why are women employed in low paid work?
Ans: Education and skill are the two most important determinants of a person's earnings in the market. Women are generally denied the education and skills needed to contribute to the national income as a result of gender discrimination. As a result, the majority of women have limited education and skill development. One of the reasons they are paid less than men is because of this.
9. How will you explain the term unemployment?
Ans: Unemployment is a situaion when a person who is actively looking for work is unable to find work.
An individual is considered unemployed if he or she is a member of a country's labour force and is capable and willing to work for pay but is unable to do so.
10. What is the difference between disguised unemployment and seasonal unemployment?
Ans: Disguised unemployment: occurs when there are more people working in a job than are actually needed. For example, if eight people are involved in an agricultural activity but the work/activity actually requires the services of five people, then three people are extra. If these three people out of eight are removed, total production will not be affected.
Seasonal unemployment: Seasonal unemployment occurs when people are only able to find work during certain months of the year. Agricultural labourers, for example, find work only during peak seasons, such as sowing, harvesting, weeding, and threshing. This is due to the seasonal nature of agriculture in India.
11. Why is the educated unemployed a peculiar problem of India?
Ans: Educated unemployment refers to the situation in which a large number of young people with matriculation, graduation, and post-graduation degrees are unable to find suitable employment.
India has a large population, and a large number of people graduate from schools and colleges each year. The number of educated people graduating from educational institutions is not keeping up with the number of jobs available in various sectors. As a result, educated unemployed people are a distinctive problem in India.
12. In which field do you think India can build the maximum employment opportunity?
Ans: India can create the most job opportunities in the agricultural sector and related industries. Agriculture is the economy's most labour-intensive industry.
When agricultural products are packaged in an efficient and high-quality manner, it can create a large number of employment opportunities.
13. Can you suggest some measures in the education system to mitigate the problem of the educated unemployed?
Ans: Measures in the education system to address the issue of educated unemployed:
Make secondary education more career-oriented, providing individuals with not only education but also the necessary skills for gaining successful employment.
Create a sort of screening process in which each individual selects subjects that are appropriate for his or her abilities.
The introduction of newer subjects and fields of study at the secondary level should be accompanied by an increase in job opportunities in the sectors that will employ students who choose to study such subjects.
14. Can you suggest some measures in the education system to mitigate the problem of the educated unemployed?
Ans: Human resources play an important role in a country's economy by increasing productivity. Because of the human resource's contribution, the other resource becomes useful. Human capital produces an output by utilising other resources such as land, labour, and physical capital. The other resources aren't going to be useful on their own.
As a result, human capital may be regarded as the most valuable of all resources.